a man riding a honda ruckus

How to Make a Honda Ruckus Faster: Simple ways & Top Speed Mods

Have you ever been out riding your Honda Ruckus and found yourself wishing it had just a bit more speed? You’re not alone. The Honda Ruckus is known for its cool look and how well it runs. But, its speed can feel slow, especially when you are in busy traffic. The good news? You can make it faster! There are many ways to boost your scooter’s performance.

This guide will help you get started. Whether you want easy changes or bigger upgrades, you’ll find tips and upgrades how to make your honda ruckus faster. I’ve tried it all—tuning the variator, changing the exhaust, and adding bigger engine kits. I’ll show you what works best so you can enjoy more speed on your Ruckus. Let’s get started!

Understanding the Key Factors Affecting Honda Ruckus Speed

Before you rush into buying parts, it’s important to understand what’s holding your Ruckus back. There are three major factors: engine size, weight, and aerodynamics. Let’s break these down.

Engine Size

The Ruckus comes with a 49cc engine, which is great for fuel economy but not for speed. It’s a small engine, putting out just 4.4 horsepower, which caps your top speed at around 35-40 mph. That’s where engine upgrades come in (and we’ll cover those soon!).


One of the easiest ways to make your Ruckus faster is by shedding extra weight. The lighter it is, the less work the engine has to do. You’d be surprised how much difference this can make. Why carry extra weight if you don’t need parts like the stock seat frame or storage compartments?


The Ruckus wasn’t exactly designed for speed when it comes to aerodynamics. Its exposed frame and rugged look might be cool, but they also create a lot of drag. If you want to go faster, small changes like adding a windshield or slimming the body can reduce air drag.

Reducing Weight to Boost Honda Ruckus Performance

The easiest way to make your Honda Ruckus faster is by removing unnecessary weight. When I first started making changes, this was the fastest way to see improvements in speed and acceleration. You don’t need fancy tools or expensive parts for this step either!

What Can You Remove?

Think about what you don’t need on your Ruckus. For instance:

  • Passenger Pegs: Not taking passengers? Off they go.
  • Stock Seat Frame: If you’re comfortable, swapping the stock seat for a lighter option can shave off some pounds.
  • Storage: Unless you’re hauling groceries, do you really need that bulky storage compartment?

Switching to Lightweight Parts

You can also replace some stock parts with lightweight alternatives. For example:

  • Aftermarket Exhaust: Many performance exhaust systems are lighter than the stock one.
  • Aluminum Wheels: Swapping out heavy steel wheels for lightweight aluminum ones can also give you a speed boost.

Weight reduction is simple, effective, and relatively cheap. And the best part? It works immediately.

Top Engine Upgrades for Maximum Speed Increase

Now we’re getting into the fun stuff—engine upgrades. This is where you can start pushing your Ruckus beyond its stock limits. If you’re serious about getting faster, here are some of the best options.

Bigger Carburetor

A bigger carburetor means more air and fuel can get to your engine, which translates to more power. A 20mm or 24mm carburetor is a good upgrade, and it’s not crazy expensive either. Pair it with a jet kit so you can tune it properly. This will make sure your engine gets the right mix of air and fuel for the best performance.

Big Bore Kit

This is a game-changer. If you want serious speed gains, a big bore kit is the way to go. It increases the engine’s displacement, giving you more power. You can upgrade to a 58cc or even a 70cc kit. With this mod, you can expect to see an increase in both acceleration and top speed. But be warned—it’s a more complex mod, so you might need help from a professional unless you’re handy with engines.

Tuning the Variator for Faster Acceleration

Many people ignore the variator when they start upgrading their Ruckus. But tuning it can make a big difference. The variator controls how fast your scooter speeds up and when it hits top speed.

What Are Roller Weights?

Inside the variator, there are roller weights. Changing these weights can help your Ruckus perform better. Here’s how it works:

  • Lighter Rollers: These let your engine rev higher before engaging. This gives you faster acceleration.
  • Heavier Rollers: These engage earlier and help you reach a higher top speed.

For a smoother ride and less wear on your transmission, try using sliders instead of rollers. Sliders last longer and make your acceleration smoother.

Upgrading the Drive Belt for Enhanced Power Delivery

The drive belt is another key part of the Ruckus’ transmission. Using a performance belt, like a Kevlar belt, is smart if you are making your engine work harder with these mods. It’s stronger and better able to handle the extra power without slipping or wearing out too quickly.

Choosing the Best Exhaust System for Speed Gains

One of the first upgrades I did to my Ruckus was swapping out the stock exhaust for performance exhaust. This makes your scooter sound cooler and helps the engine work better by getting rid of gases faster.

Benefits of a Performance Exhaust

  • Increased Airflow: More airflow means better combustion and more power.
  • Weight Reduction: Most performance exhausts are lighter than the stock one.
  • Sound: Let’s be real—who doesn’t love a throaty exhaust note?

If you’re looking for a good balance of price and performance, the Two Brothers Racing exhaust is a popular choice. It’s not overly loud, but it gives your Ruckus a much more aggressive sound and a little more pep.

Is a Big Bore Kit Right for Your Honda Ruckus?

Now, here’s the big question: is a big bore kit really worth it? From my experience, if you’re looking for serious speed gains, then yes—it absolutely is. But, there are a few things to keep in mind before diving in.

The Pros:

  • Huge Boost in Power: The most obvious benefit is the power increase. Increase your engine’s displacement, which will give your Ruckus more muscle. It’s the same principle as giving a larger engine to a car. You can expect faster acceleration and a noticeable bump in top speed.
  • Customization Options: A big bore kit allows for many custom upgrades. Once the kit is installed, you can add more parts like a bigger carburetor, exhaust mods, and variator tuning to boost performance.

The Cons:

  • Fuel Efficiency Drop: While you’ll love the added speed, you may not love the extra trips to the gas station. Bigger engines use more fuel, so you’ll lose some of the Ruckus’ great fuel efficiency.
  • Hard Installation: You might need a mechanic if you’re not good with tools. The installation is more complex than other mods. If you don’t feel confident working on the engine, it’s best to let a pro handle it.

    In my opinion, the big bore kit is worth it if you want a project and want your Ruckus to keep up with traffic more easily. It’s not a casual mod, but the payoff is well worth the effort if you’re aiming for serious speed.

Air Intake Upgrades for Improved Speed

Let’s talk about how your air intake can impact your speed. When it comes to getting more power out of your Honda Ruckus, increasing the airflow into the engine is key. Think of your engine like a pair of lungs—the more air it can take in, the better it can perform.

Cold Air Intake vs. Stock Airbox

If you’re still using the stock airbox, it’s time to consider an upgrade. One of the most popular mods is swapping it out for a cold air intake. The stock airbox tends to be restrictive, limiting the amount of air the engine can take in. A cold air intake allows cooler, denser air to enter the engine, which can help improve combustion efficiency.

In short: cooler air = more oxygen = better combustion = more power.

Aftermarket Air Filters

Another simple mod is upgrading to a high-performance air filter. This is one of the easiest changes you can make, and it’s also one of the most affordable. A better air filter helps improve airflow to the engine, which can lead to faster speeds. Just make sure to regularly clean or replace the filter, as a dirty one can choke the engine and slow you down.

Enhancing Clutch Performance for Faster Acceleration

Now, if you want faster acceleration from a standstill, you’ll want to upgrade the clutch. The stock clutch is good for daily rides, but if you want more performance, better options are available.

How a Performance Clutch Helps

A performance clutch engages faster and more aggressively, which means quicker acceleration. The Ruckus is already a quick scooter, but a performance clutch can make it even better. It gives you faster response when you start moving.

The clutch works with the variator to control how power goes from the engine to the wheels. By upgrading both, you’ll see a big improvement in how fast your Ruckus speeds up.

Fuel System Optimization for Speed and Efficiency

The fuel system is another area where you can optimize your Ruckus for both speed and efficiency. If you’ve already upgraded your air intake, carburetor, or big bore kit, make sure your fuel system can keep up with those changes.

Upgrading the Carburetor or Fuel Injector

One of the most common upgrades is to install a larger carburetor or fuel injector. A bigger carburetor lets more fuel mix with the air. This creates a stronger fuel mix that can give the engine more power. If you’ve added a big bore kit, this upgrade is important. It makes sure the engine gets enough fuel to handle the bigger size.

The key here is finding the right balance. You don’t want to flood your engine with too much fuel, which can lead to poor performance and wasted gas. Tuning the fuel system correctly is crucial to getting the most out of your upgrades.

How Suspension and Tire Upgrades Affect Speed

While engine mods get most of the attention, don’t forget about the suspension and tires. Both can play a big role in how your Ruckus handles at higher speeds.

Suspension Upgrades

If your suspension is too soft, your Ruckus may bounce around or struggle with bumps at higher speeds. Upgrade the suspension to improve stability and control for going faster.

You don’t need expensive suspension kits. Even swapping the stock shocks for adjustable ones can make a big difference in how your scooter handles at higher speeds.

Tire Size and Tread

Tires are another crucial element. Use smaller tires for quick acceleration if you mainly ride around town. But, if you want higher top speed, larger tires are better for handling the road at fast speeds.

Also, check the tread pattern. A smoother tread reduces road resistance, helping you go faster. On the other hand, rough treads are good for off-road but will slow you down on pavement.

Aerodynamic Mods to Reduce Drag and Boost Speed

Remember what I said about the Ruckus’ boxy shape earlier? It’s cool, but it’s not exactly aerodynamic. If you want to get the most speed from your scooter, consider adding some aerodynamic mods.

Windshields and Body Kits

Adding a small windshield can lower wind resistance, giving you a slight boost in top speed. You can also use body kits to make the Ruckus more aerodynamic by smoothing out the frame.

These upgrades won’t add 10 mph to your speed, but when combined with other changes, they help you get the best performance.

Fuel-to-Air Ratio Tuning for Maximum Performance

After making all these mods, the last step is to fine-tune the fuel-to-air ratio. This is especially important if you’ve upgraded the carburetor or installed a big bore kit.

Why It Matters

The fuel-to-air ratio is the balance between how much fuel and air is mixed in the engine. Too much fuel (rich) or too much air (lean) can hurt your performance. A well-tuned ratio gives you the best power and keeps things efficient.

You can tune it yourself with a jet kit or have a mechanic do it. Once set, you’ll feel smoother acceleration, better throttle response, and a higher top speed.


Congrats on making it to the end! By now, you should know how to make your Honda Ruckus faster. Simple changes like reducing weight or adjusting the variator can boost your scooter’s power. Bigger upgrades, like a big bore kit, bring even more improvements. Whether you want faster acceleration or a higher top speed, there are many ways to achieve it. I’ve shared tips from my own experience, and if you follow them, I’m sure you can make your Ruckus faster and more fun to ride.

Remember, though, that every modification should balance speed, safety, and reliability. If you’re new to modding, start with small changes. Adjust the variator, try a lighter exhaust, and notice how each change improves performance. As you gain more confidence, you can tackle the bigger projects like the big bore kit or engine tuning. Each step of the way, you’ll feel more connected to your ride and more in control of your Ruckus’ performance.

I hope this guide gave you all the information you need and inspired you to start working on your Ruckus today. If you’ve got questions or tried any of these upgrades yourself, feel free to share your experiences. Your Ruckus deserves to be as fast as you want it to be—let’s make it happen!

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast can a Honda Ruckus go after modifications?

With upgrades like a big bore kit, variator tuning, and exhaust modifications, you can increase the Ruckus’ top speed to around 45-50 mph.

Is a big bore kit worth it for a Honda Ruckus?

Yes, if you’re looking for a significant boost in both speed and power, a big bore kit is one of the best upgrades you can make. Just keep in mind it may reduce fuel efficiency.

What’s the easiest way to make my Honda Ruckus faster?

Start with weight reduction and variator tuning. These mods are relatively inexpensive and offer noticeable improvements in speed and acceleration.

Will upgrading my exhaust make my Ruckus faster?

Yes, a performance exhaust improves airflow, which helps the engine run more efficiently. It also reduces weight, giving you a slight speed boost.

How much does it cost to make a Honda Ruckus faster?

Costs can vary depending on the mods, but a few hundred dollars will get you started with variator tuning, lightweight parts, and exhaust upgrades. More advanced upgrades, like a big bore kit, will cost more.

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